3 Surprising Benefits Of Neem Oil

Love4wellness Editorial Team
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Image of Neem leaves

Neem, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, belongs to the Mahogany family. The tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and typically grows in tropical and subtropical regions. The leaves and seeds of neem trees have traditionally been used in Indian medicine. Neem oil is made from the leaves and seeds of the tree and has a host of benefits to offer.

Here are some of the benefits of Neem oil

Benefits of neem oil

A Word Of Caution:
The benefits mentioned here are from topical usage. Though these remedies are time-tested and are generally safe, it might cause reactions in a few. Hence, before using neem oil, do a patch test on your skin or scalp; discontinue use in case of adverse effects.

Don’t have time to go through the article? Get a quick story on Neem Oil Benefits.

1. Clears head lice 

Neem oil is effective in eradicating lice, be it at any stage of its lifecycle. 

Apply neem oil on the hair, let it sit for a while, and comb through to remove lice. Then proceed to wash it off with shampoo. Repeat the process a couple of times to clear the infestation.

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2. Fights fungal infection

Neem oil has highly potent anti-fungal properties and can be useful to cure everyday problems such as ringworm and athletes’ feet.

Apply the oil to the affected area and soak for up to half an hour and then rinse off. Repeat the process until the infection goes away.

3. Heals wounds and cures acne

Neem oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that promote healing of wounds and clearing acne.

Dab the oil on the affected area and leave it on to promote the healing process. And because neem oil contains vitamin E and fatty acids, it helps avoid scars.

The benefits of neem do not end here. It can help treat dry skin, clear dandruff, fight wrinkles, and even serve as a natural insecticide and pesticide for your garden!

Images from canva.com

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