Bach Flower Remedies – What Is It, Why To Try, Who Can Benefit – Explained

A popular holistic treatment for psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

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Bach flower remedies

Dr Edward Bach, an English Homeopath, developed the widely popular complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Bach Flower Remedies. Bach argued that the dew on the petals of flowers had the healing properties of the plant. He also claimed the flower remedies would work on any health condition. However, the popular uses include psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Since Dr Bach was a homeopath himself, flower remedies are often seen synonymous with homeopathy. So, we asked homeopath Giovanna Franklin, who specialised in nutrition and child mental health, frequently asked questions on Bach flower remedies. Read on for the expert’s answers.

1. What are Bach flower remedies?

Bach flower remedies are natural remedies made from flowers that Edward Bach identified as having particular health properties. There are a total of 38 remedies available, and each remedy provides a positive emotional state that assists your body to attain a healthy equilibrium, thus helping your body heal.

Bach flower remedies are made either from the dews collected from the petals as the early morning sun arises or placing the flowers in water in the presence of sunlight or any other heat source. The liquid after discarding the flowers is preserved in alcohol and further diluted before being made available for use.

2. Why do most people often consider flower remedies alongside Homeopathy?

Dr Edward Bach believed in holistic healing and was a bacteriologist and homeopath himself. This means that he understood that the body has the innate intelligence to heal itself, just as homeopathy believes.

Further, the flower essences are diluted with water, similar to preparing homeopathic medicines. So, many consider Bach flower remedies synonymous with homeopathy. 

3. What are the benefits of Bach flower remedies?

The best way to describe the benefits is “going back to feeling like yourself”. Dr Bach believed that a conflict between the soul and the person’s actions or behaviour disrupt health equilibrium. When the equilibrium gets normal, you feel well.

He also believed that illness starts at the energy level; what we call “aura” is, in fact, our electromagnetic field. Flower essences work directly on this energy to restore emotional and mental balance.

4. What are some specific conditions that the therapy is significantly beneficial?

Any state of mental and emotional imbalance: from shock to depression, anxiety and more. Bach remedies work better and quicker than anti-depressants, for example.

To be precise, Bach remedies work on any emotional or mental condition such as,

  • hopelessness and despair
  • overwhelming past
  • pessimism
  • hatred
  • procrastination
  • deep gloom for no reason
  • exhaustion

5. Is there an age limit to use the therapy?

No. Bach flower remedies are safe to use in people of any age, including children.

6. Can everyone opt for the therapy irrespective of the presence of other conditions, if any?

Yes. The great thing about Bach remedies is that they don’t interfere with any other healing modality or medication, and hence anyone can opt for it.

7. Are there any side effects?

No. Bach remedies are generally safe with no side effects.

Love4wellness concludes,

Bach flower remedies are a promising CAM with no side effects to manage psychological problems and pain relief. There is little scientific evidence that backs the efficacy of the treatment. However, since there are no side effects, you can try them, provided you have access to a qualified and trained expert.

Edited by love4wellness | Images:

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