5 Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies For Common Health Problems

Love4wellness Editorial Team
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Home Remedy

Every one of us faces several common health problems several times a year. Seasonal flu, Common cold, Fatigue, and Indigestion are a few worth mentioning. Before you decide to visit your doctor to treat such common health problems, you must try some home remedies, for the home remedies work like a charm most of the time.

Here are a few common health problems and simple home remedies to get over them:

Common Cold:

Most often, viruses are to be blamed for a common cold. Here is a very simple remedy that offers significant relief from cold symptoms.

Woman With Common Cold
  • Boil a ½ inch piece of ginger in water till you can see the water turn colour.
  • Allow it to cool.
  • Filter it, add lemon juice and honey, and enjoy the refreshing drink to feel the difference.

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Sore Throat:

The classic symptom of a brewing cold is a sore throat. However, if you take care while it starts, you can forbid the virus from making its way to your lower respiratory tract, thus preventing a lung infection.

Man With Sore Throat
  • If you wake up in the morning with a sore throat, the first thing to do is gargle with warm salt water.
  • Continue repeating the same a couple of times during the day to prevent it from worsening.

Persistent Cough:

While all cold symptoms are annoying, a persistent cough is a winner among them all! Trust this remedy to suppress your cough and get a comfortable sleep.

Turmeric Milk
  • Persistent coughing can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.
  • Consuming a glass of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric and a dash of pepper before bedtime is an excellent home remedy to ensure proper rest.


Sleeplessness is usually associated with the elderly. However, with chaos in the sleep schedule, young too are suffering from bouts of sleeplessness. And what more beneficial remedy than yoga for proper sleep?

Woman doing leg up the wall yoga pose
  • When you have a stressful day, it might be difficult to fall asleep.

– Are you a newbie to Yoga? Know where to start.


Weekend dinner at your favourite restaurant may not have sounded good for your tummy! A very common problem across age groups is indigestion, and here is an excellent home remedy that gives relief almost immediately!

Butter Milk - Home Remedy for Indigestion
  • Indigestion is a common health problem that can be easily cured by simple home remedies.
  • When you feel like something you ate is not agreeing with you, reach for a glass of buttermilk to soothe your stomach.
  • To prepare simple buttermilk, dilute a spoonful of yogurt with a glass of water, a pinch of salt, and asafoetida.

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Try these home remedies right when you start feeling the symptoms. However, if the symptoms do not go away in two to three days, it would be time for you to visit your doctor.

Images from canva.com

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