Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of The Sniffles From A Runny Nose

To reduce discomfort, improve sleep and speed up recovery.

Love4wellness Editorial Team
561 views 4 minutes read
Image of a toddler with runny nose

A runny nose is one of those annoying things that just don’t seem to stop! You run through endless amounts of tissues blowing your nose with no end in sight. If you feel this way, you are not alone. Rest assured, pretty much all of us in this whole wide world have experienced it. And found ways to deal with it as well. So here are some of the measures you can take to rein it in. The natural remedies mentioned here for a runny nose are kids-friendly too, and you can use them for your toddler and little ones above 2 years old.

Natural remedies to manage runny nose for adults and toddlers

Mucus is always produced by mucous membranes that run from your nose to lungs. It helps moisten the air you breathe and filters out allergens, viruses, and dust. More mucus produced is your body’s way to flush out toxins, which can be viruses or allergens. While mucus has a function to do, it does make you uncomfortable. So, what do you do?

Infographic: Runny nose remedies for adults and toddlers

So, when there are no other bothersome symptoms, you can very well try the following natural remedies to stop the sniffles!

1. Drink lots of water

The most basic remedy for runny nose is to keep yourself or your toddler hydrated. If your runny nose is due to a common cold or flu, drinking plenty of water will help relieve congestion, so your nasal passage is unclogged, and you can breathe easily. It also helps make the mucus thin and easy to blow out rather than thick mucus.

2. Hot beverages

Drinking hot beverages is an age-old remedy for treating colds. It is definitely appealing when you have a runny nose, and it can help you deal with it effectively.

So you can safely consume hot beverages of choice such as herbal teas, soups, even a glass of hot water counts!

Some delicious warm drinks that are great natural remedies for the runny nose are:

  1. A spoonful of ginger juice and honey mixed to a cup of hot water
  2. A spoonful of lemon juice added to a cup of hot water along with honey
  3. Fresh ginger, chamomile, basil or mint brewed into a tea
  4. Boil your favourite veggies with chopped ginger and garlic for about 20 minutes on low flame. Add pepper and salt to taste and consume. Besides soothing your runny nose, the vitamins and minerals boost your immune system.

But avoid beverages that are dehydrating in nature, such as coffee, sodas and alcohol.

3. Steam inhalation

Inhaling steam is another tried and tested remedy for a runny nose. 

  1. Fill up a bowl with steaming hot water.
  2. Comfortably sit near it and lean over the bowl 
  3. Cover the general area using a towel to make sure the steam gets to your face and start inhaling

It is so fast-acting that even as you inhale steam inhalation for only a couple of seconds, you will feel like blowing your nose and the clogged areas clearing away.

You can do this several times a day to find relief from your running nose. 

You can optionally add 1 or 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemon oil or tea tree oil to the water.

4. Hot shower

Standing in a hot shower is another great remedy relieve you from a runny nose. While in the shower, you will feel the urge to blow the nose and clear the mucus, and you will feel much better after doing so.

5. Spicy foods

According to Ayurveda, eating hot and spicy foods is beneficial for clearing away the mucus and helps with a runny nose. 

Black pepper, cayenne pepper, ginger, and horseradish are all great spice options. You can add a tad more of them to your food to find good relief from a runny nose.

More on Ginger remedies:

The bottom line

Following the simple natural remedies mentioned above can help you get through your day without much discomfort from your runny nose. Furthermore, try to get as much rest as possible because rest is the best way to heal your body. Also, a steaming or hot shower followed by a cup of warm fluids before bedtime will help you get better quality uninterrupted sleep, which is more important for recovery.


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