6 Practical Tips For Yoga Practice At Home

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Yoga Practice At Home

Yoga practice is a beautiful way to keep both your mind and body healthy. The best part is you can practice yoga right at your home and reap the numerous benefits. If you have been finding it hard to make it to a studio class, here is a guide to transforming your home as your personal studio and make yoga practice at home possible.

Right Space

The first aspect to be taken care of is the space you are going to use. Find a well-ventilated area in your house that is also free from clutter. Make sure you will be able to use the place for yourself during the practice without interruptions.


It is good to have some of the necessary props to make the practice effective and comfortable. Consider investing in a good yoga mat, a couple of blocks, and a strap. If restorative yoga practices such as yin yoga are going to be a part of your routine, a bolster cushion and a blanket will be an excellent add-on to have.


Since this will be a home practice, you don’t really need to worry about the attire, go ahead and wear any clothing of your choice that would be comfortable during the practice. But, if you feel you get into the “zone” better with the proper attire, you can purchase a few simple tops and bottoms of your choice that will be comfortable for the yoga stretches.

Feel-Good Factor

As it is your home and your practice, go ahead and personalize the space to feel good during and after the yoga practice. You can maybe have a speaker set handy to play calming music while you do your asanas or meditate. Indulge in a bit of aromatherapy by perhaps burning an incense stick or switching on an aroma oil diffuser.

A Word Of Caution While Doing Yoga Practice At Home

While it may sound lucrative to indulge in yoga therapy right at the comfort of your own home, in the case of beginners, it is advisable first to learn yoga poses properly from a good teacher before you attempt to do home practice. The teacher will be able to guide you on the proper alignment and breathing techniques so that you can avoid any injury and practice safely at home.

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Advancing Your Practice

The scope for progressing to try out advanced poses at home might be limited for several reasons, such as the lack of access to the right knowledge or the risk of injury. But you can still try to improve by being disciplined with your practice and being intuitive to your body. You can seek the right knowledge by attending workshops, reading books, and referring to online resources.

Try to prepare creative sequences to keep things interesting. You can also try mixing up various styles of yoga. For example, if you do an intense vinyasa sequence one day, you can chill with a relaxing restorative sequence the next day.

A point in favour of a home practice is you get to the poses you feel your body needs that day instead of following a pre-defined series of poses in a studio class. Listen to your body, and have a safe, productive home practice!

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