Swara’s Toenail Fungus Cured By The Natural Remedy Neem Oil

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Legs with toenail fungus in a swimming pool background; neem oil use for toenail fungus

Fungal infections are not less common, and it is most likely someone in your family had one that you know! This post narrates the experience of one of our readers who had toenail fungus and managed to cure the condition with the natural remedy of neem oil!

“In her words…

I’m Swara (name changed), and I am in my early 40s. I am not an unhealthy person, yet I am not a disciplined person as well when it comes to food and exercise. I don’t overindulge in foods, but I am a hearty eater. Similarly, I don’t exercise every other day, but I am fairly active with my stamina and enthusiasm intact even in my 40s 🙂 Though I don’t fall ill frequently, one health issue that has travelled with me from the time I could remember is… Toenail Fungus!!!

A Problem Since My Childhood Days

From my school days, my left toenail gets into and out of fungal infections. Most of the time, it goes off by itself without any treatment. Sometimes, my father and I have made some trips to a nearby clinic. And, the infection would seem to go with the topical ointment only to bounce back after a few months.

A Grownup Seeking Solutions On Her Own

As I grew older, I started looking for solutions myself without bothering my father, now that I know the condition better, what with a dozen times experiencing it.

With limited resources then (my 20s didn’t have an internet explosion, and so information was not easily available), I tried natural remedies from applying neem leaf paste to soaking feet in warm, turmeric water. Some worked, and some did not. Some aggravated the condition.

One thing that did work was the application of Vicks vaporub! However, after a year or two, the problem came back again. I thought toenail fungus is going to be with me forever.

I was proved wrong. 

Toenail Fungus Yet Another Time

Two years back, the fungal infection started to be painful as well. The skin around the toenail got dark, itchy, and a bit inflamed, which made it painful. This time I didn’t try a home remedy as the pain bothered me even while walking.

I went to a dermatologist who promptly prescribed topical steroids to reduce inflammation and topical antifungal medicine to treat the fungus. Even after three weeks of application, nothing seemed to improve. I started getting annoyed, and one fine day stopped the medications.

The Remedy That Worked And Still Working…

I had read that neem oil can treat fungal infections. With a bottle of cold-pressed neem oil at home, I wanted to try that before going to the doctor again. That day on, I applied neem oil on my toenail and the skin around it three times a day religiously.

How Exactly I Applied

With a clean cloth, I would press the area around the toenail for water in cuticles. After sponging away the water, I would apply neem oil generously using a cotton ball. As with all home remedies, the results were not immediate.

Results Were Slow But Steady

However, I started seeing positive results in about five days. The darkened skin turned lighter and the pain due to inflammation reduced. After two weeks of application, my nail seems healthier, which was a huge surprise for me! Encouraged, neem oil application became a regular practice not only on the affected nail but other nails as well. Even after a complete cure, I apply neem oil once a day after my shower.

The infection hasn’t come back until now, and I am only too happy to have found a remedy to a continually bothering problem.

Swara’s account of neem oil as a remedy for toenail fungus is encouraging as she has seen positive results. Suppose you are experiencing fungal infections in any part of your body. In that case, you can try the topical application of neem oil.

Listed down is a product that has our confidence and we believe would be useful to you as well.

Are you interested in knowing more uses of neem oil? You can check a detailed list of neem oil uses here.

Also, if you would like to share such real-life experiences that can be of use to our readers, please do so by writing to us.

Image: canva.com

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