Stress Management: Five Simple Tips To Manage Stress

Love4wellness Editorial Team
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Image of a stressed man cupping his eyes and text stress management techniques

Too much stress can break your days! In this ever-changing, fast-paced world, stress is a constant factor in everybody’s life. Problems, small or big, are associated with stress. Learning how to handle it makes all the difference. From expert-assisted relaxation therapies to conscious self-care, stress management techniques are many. Here are five easy tips to steer you in the right direction and help manage stress effectively.

Why Is Stress Management Important?

Stress is the body’s reaction to challenges and problems. In fact, it is a much-needed mechanism, for it helps you accomplish things, be active, and be progressive. Stress keeps you alert, mentally and physically, enabling you to respond efficiently to threats and dangers. However, lengthy exposure to stress becomes overwhelming and may cause mental health problems (anxiety and depression) or increase the severity of physical problems. Hence stress management is important.

Tips For An Effective Stress Management-

There is much awareness about stress, its symptoms, and the need to handle it. There are several stress management techniques; some need expert guidance, and some are quite easy to incorporate in your daily life.

The following are a few simple things that can be quick fixes to your whizzing stress when made a part of your daily routine. When these become a part of your routine, your stress wouldn’t be even noticeable.

#1. Exercising Every Day Keeps Stress Away

Image of a man and woman doing physical exercise

Do you know, physical exercise is not only good for your physical health but also mental health? Exercise releases endorphins which will make you feel happy and energetic instantly. Therefore, you should make time to exercise every day for at least 15 minutes. As a general rule of thumb, try to have 150 minutes of physical activity in a week.

You don’t necessarily have to hit the gym. You can go for a walk or jog or a run. If possible try Forest bathing. You might love it! Messed-up room? Clean it by yourself. Decluttering not only makes your room comfy, but the physical activity also relieves you from stress. Besides, you can implement small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator to increase the amount of physical activity so that you can manage stress effortlessly.

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#2. Listen To Music And Feel Light

Girl listening to music - a stress management technique

If you feel stressed, take a break from whatever you are doing and listen to music. Good music is a proven stress management technique. So what kind of music should you listen to? There is no definite list, though!

A research study at Stanford noted that Native American, Indian stringed instruments, Celtic, drums, and flutes could be extremely relaxing when played moderately loud – surprising, right? We are surprised, too:-) Also, nature sounds like birds chirping, rain, wind, and ebb and flow of ocean tide are absolutely calming when mixed with light jazz and classical music!

The only specification is you must enjoy the music. The music should not irritate you lest it fails the purpose of relaxing you! You are free to explore; curate a list for yourself; and listen to it when you feel low.

Listening to relaxing music will reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. Music also lowers blood pressure and makes you feel calmer. Thus, the process will have a positive effect on your body and mind. You can treat this tried and tested method as your go-to stress management tool in the time of need.

#3. Meditation And Yoga To Manage Stress

Girl meditating for stress management

Meditation helps in relaxing the mind and body. The easiest way to meditate is to close your eyes for a few minutes and focus on your breathing. This simple action will make you feel grounded. As you get comfortable, you can explore other meditation techniques and continue to practice the one that suits you the best. Meditation helps you to be mindful, develop self-compassion and emotional strength.

Similarly, yoga is an excellent stress management technique. The practice has a profound impact on mind, body and the soul. Learn the yoga poses and breathing techniques from a trained instructor and then start practising yoga regularly. You will be able to notice significant changes in your stress levels soon enough.

#4. A Good Night’s Sleep For Good Stress Management

Image of a baby sleeping
Sleep like a baby and be stress-free

Lack of a good 8 hours sleep at night can result in a lot of stress. So, for effective stress management, your priority should be to get a good night’s sleep. Take some time to relax before you go to bed. Do not use your mobile phone and laptop 30 minutes before going to sleep. You can also have a drink such as a chamomile tea or warm milk that can help you sleep well half an hour before your sleep time. The key is to set up a good bedtime routine so that you can fall asleep at a designated time daily.

Watch This Video For Tips To Treat Insomnia:

#5. Eat Right For A Sound Mind

Image of vegetables and fruits
Sound Body, Sound Mind

Diet and stress levels are closely linked. Hence, if you eat the right food, you will be able to manage stress effectively. Diet do’s include eating a balanced meal, including fresh fruits and vegetables and staying well hydrated. And some of the diet don’ts include eating sugary and processed foods and consuming alcohol and caffeine in excess. A well-nourished body means a well-nourished mind, so take care of your body to manage stress well.

Final Word

Though stress is not going anywhere and will be travelling with you all along, you can, however, manage it with a few stress management techniques such as physical exercise, yoga, music, good food, and good sleep. Even after adopting such lifestyle changes, if you still find yourself frequently in a stressed-out mode, you might be under chronic stress, and it is essential to seek medical attention.

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