10 Natural Home Remedies To Use To Reduce Cellulite And Tips To Prevent

It usually is found in the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen. It can also be found in the breasts and upper arm.

Love4wellness Editorial Team
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Image of a woman's thigh with cellulite

Cellulite is a very common, harmless skin condition that needs no medical treatment. It is more common in women, and though it is often associated with obese people, it can also occur in very fit. Harmless it may be, but some do not like the appearance of cellulite on their skin. If you are one such, here is good news. Some natural home remedies and lifestyle changes can help you manage cellulite. Most of them offer temporary results, but don’t be disheartened; doing them regularly isn’t hard. You just need to add them to your skincare regimen. Read on to learn more about them.

What is cellulite?

Skin with cellulite has a dimpled, lumpy flesh appearance. It’s sometimes described as having an orange peel or cottage cheese appearance. It usually is found in the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen. It can also be found in the breasts and upper arm.

What causes cellulite?

The reasons for cellulite are little known. 

Fibrous connective cords tie the skin to the underlying muscle with fat tissues in between. When these fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, and the cords pull your skin down to the muscle, making it look bumpy.

According to Ayurveda, cellulite occurs when the Agni does not function properly. This results in slow metabolism and increased toxins (ama). Specifically, cellulite is associated with an imbalance in Kapha and Medas Dhatu

According to Chinese Medicine, cellulite is caused due to water metabolism. It is attributed to:

  • Qi stagnation: Causes fluid stagnation, causing cellulite
  • Spleen Qi deficiency: Spleen transports and transforms fluids, and when there is Qi deficiency in the spleen, cellulite may occur
  • Kidney Qi deficiency: With this, excreting fluids and wastes is inefficient, resulting in cellulite.

Who is at risk?

Cellulite risk factors - infographic

Being a woman

About 80 to 90 percent of women have some degree of cellulite, while only 10 percent of men may have it. One reason could be the anatomy of women, where the fibrous connecting structures are parallel to one another and equidistant. In men, they crisscross each other. Parallel bands in women show the dimpled skin more obvious than the crisscross bands in men.

High estrogen levels

Women produce high amounts of estrogen during puberty or pregnancy, and most women form cellulite during adolescence and more after pregnancy.


Cellulite tends to run in families, meaning if someone in your family had it, you likely may develop it.


As you age, the skin’s elasticity decreases and might make cellulite more visible.


Gaining weight may make the appearance of cellulite prominent, though some skinny people also have cellulite.

Lifestyle choices

Poor lifestyle choices like being sedentary, unhealthy diet, and smoking can contribute to cellulite formation.

Ten natural home remedies to improve cellulite

1. Hydration

Staying hydrated is essential for healthy skin. Drinking adequate water can help improve skin elasticity and promote a smoother appearance.

2. Healthy Diet

Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the accumulation of excess fat, potentially improving cellulite.

Also, a healthy gut can effectively get rid of excess estrogen in the body. So, eat a gut-friendly diet, which includes healthy carbs, enough protein and fibre, and healthy fats.

3. Exercise

Being sedentary increases the risk of cellulite. Also, lack of exercise may cause poor blood circulation and reduce muscle mass, all of these contributing to cellulite.

Hence, engaging in regular physical activity, including both cardiovascular exercises and strength training, can help tone muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

4. Massage

Traditional systems like Ayurveda and TCM use massage for various health benefits, including skin care.

Regular massage with techniques like lymphatic drainage or deep tissue massage can improve circulation, break down fat deposits, and reduce the appearance of cellulite and is considered one of the effective natural home remedies for cellulite.

5. Cupping

Cupping is a traditional technique of Chinese medicine, where the TCM expert places cups on your skin at specific places to create a suction force and pull the skin upward while taking the cup off against the suction force. This enables blood to flow into that region, reducing cellulite appearance.

6. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a skincare technique that involves brushing your skin with a dry brush in gentle, circular or long motion. Though some skincare experts claim it can improve cellulite appearance, the results will only be temporary.

Nevertheless, the skincare regimen has several other benefits, including stimulating blood flow, promoting lymphatic drainage, and exfoliating dead skin cells.

7. Scrubs

  • Coffee scrub

Coffee scrubs are also a temporary fix for the cellulite. Coffee grounds mixed with carrier oil, such as coconut oil, can make an invigorating scrub. The caffeine in coffee stimulates blood circulation and tightens the skin temporarily, diminishing the appearance of cellulite.

  • Seaweed peel

A homemade seaweed peel made with almond oil, sea salt/sugar, and one drop of geranium oil applied on the skin before a shower every day for 15 minutes improves blood circulation and may reduce the appearance of cellulite.

You may use the scrub and peel regularly, as this routine can temporarily reduce the dimpled appearance, along with other skin benefits like improving blood circulation and adding glow.

8. Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, such as grapefruit, juniper berry, and rosemary, are believed to have properties that can aid in reducing cellulite and are excellent natural home remedies to reduce cellulite. Dilute them with a carrier oil and massage them onto the affected areas.

9. Ayurveda and TCM

Certain Ayurvedic medicines like Guggul, Mustak, Triphala, and Garcinia, and Gingko biloba from Chinese Herbal Medicine can help reduce fat tissues and improve the body lipids (including triglycerides), thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Also, according to Chiese medicine, avoiding or limiting damp-producing foods like alcohol, dairy, sugar, fried, and processed foods will help reduce cellulite formation.

Further, Ayurveda advises a diet with warm foods and spices like turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, and fenugreek to reduce cellulite formation.

10. Yoga and Tai Chi

Yoga - Natural home remedies to reduce cellulite

Both Yoga and Tai Chi are ancient practices offering immense health benefits- physical, mental, and spiritual. Practising either of them regularly, preferably under an expert, can improve blood circulation, drain lymphatic fluid, and enhance skin health and thus may help reduce cellulite appearance.

Tips To Prevent Cellulite

Generally, leading a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent cellulite formation. And that would be to:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat a nutrient-rich diet
  • Practise yoga or tai chi
  • Limit processed foods and added sugars
  • Do not abuse your skin, and indulge in regular skincare

The bottom line

Though cellulite is not harmful, it may make you feel embarrassed depending on the place it is in and how prominent it looks. Genetics, high estrogen, poor blood circulation, and skin losing elasticity are the most common reasons for cellulite formation. 

Not much can be done with the role of genetics and hormones. However, healthy lifestyle choices, including good hydration, a well-balanced-healthy diet, regular exercise, yoga or tai chi, not smoking, and avoiding alcohol and processed foods, can keep your physical health intact, with good blood circulation, healthy lipid range, and your skin supple and soft with elasticity. All these will prevent and reduce cellulite formation and are helpful natural remedies you can depend on.

Also, remember massaging, cupping, scrubbing, and dry-brushing techniques can help reduce cellulite appearance.

Images: canva.com

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