Five Natural Home Remedies You Can Try Instead Of Cough Suppressants

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Woman with severe/persistent cough

In This Article: Causes for a cough | Home remedies for persistent/severe cough | Pepper and honey | Ginger and honey | Ginger tea | Turmeric milk | Steaming

Time to say it again, Mom is Right! This article lists a few effective home remedies for persistent cough; use them religiously for two to three days, and the fair chances are that the cough may subside. Also, you can use the remedies for your kids, and most of the remedies make the little ones sleep a little better.

Note: Do not use these home remedies for infants and young children less than a year old.


A persistent cough that especially gets severe in the late evening is not something pleasant because it can trouble your sleep schedule quite well.

When a common cold is not the cause, the other reasons for severe or persistent cough are:

  • Postnasal drip
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • Asthma
  • Some infections

Irrespective of the cause, the following home remedies can provide significant relief for a persistent/severe cough. However, when the cough does not seem to go away even after three days of home remedies, please visit your doctor.

Home Remedies for persistent cough:

Home remedies for severe or persistent cough
Basic ingredients used in home remedies for cough

1. Pepper and honey:

Known as the King of Spices, Pepper is one of the kitchen ingredients with significant medicinal properties. Consuming pepper will flush out toxins from the body. In addition, t reduces inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it is rich in vitamin C and hence improves your body’s immunity.

The other ingredient, honey, is antibacterial and is the go-to medicine for sore throat, cold, and cough. A time-tested remedy, honey is a natural cough suppressant that finds its place in many ancient medical systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, and TCM.

How to consume?

Grind a few black pepper seeds into a fine powder. Mix half a teaspoon of the pepper powder with a spoonful of honey and consume it. You can use this remedy 3-4 times a day. We recommend you take the remedy before bedtime for a good night’s sleep.

Pro Tip: Grind a sufficient quantity of pepper seeds and store the powder in an airtight container so that it is handy to use when needed.

2. Ginger juice with honey:

Ginger is yet another kitchen spice with amazing medicinal qualities. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation and clear the airways and hence are particularly useful in suppressing a persistent, dry cough. Thus, ginger, along with honey, is an excellent home remedy for persistent coughs.

How to consume?

Take about an inch of ginger. Wash it well, peel the skin, and grate it into fine pieces. Then, mash the pieces with a masher and extract the juice. You can also use a blender, in which case, add some water to the pieces, blend it and filter the juice. Mix equal parts of ginger juice and honey and consume a spoonful.

You can use this remedy three to four times a day. Also, consuming the mixture just before bedtime will soothe the airways to the lungs and help you breathe easier.

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3. Ginger tea:

Another remedy that seems to give immediate relief is a cup of hot ginger tea. You would have enjoyed sips of anything hot when you have a cold or cough. Because ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, ginger tea will definitely help in reducing persistent cough. This remedy works not only to relieve cold symptoms but also to reduce fever.

How to make ginger tea?

Grate an inch of ginger and add to a cup of water. Simmer it for about 5 minutes. Then, strain the liquid and take sips of it.

4. Turmeric milk:

Also called golden milk, the remedy is made with milk, turmeric powder, and pepper powder. 

Turmeric has extremely potent medicinal quantities. Adding a pinch of turmeric powder to your diet every day is very good for general health. The root is an antioxidant and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. 

Besides, the other ingredient, pepper, is antimicrobial and antiviral and has anti-inflammatory properties.

So trust this home remedy for severe cough and other cold symptoms.

How to prepare turmeric milk?

Add half teaspoonfuls of turmeric powder and pepper powder each to a cup of milk. Simmer the mixture for about 5 minutes. Drink it warm before you go to bed.

5. Steam inhalation:

And, last but not least, steam inhalation is another effective home remedy for a severe or persistent cough. Inhaling steam can relieve many of your cold symptoms, including cough.

How to inhale steam?

Boil water in a large pan till adequate steam builds up. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or a pinch of turmeric powder to the steaming water. Inhale the steam till you sweat. You can do this also 3-4 times a day.

When steaming for kids, monitor them not to go very near the pan. Alternatively, you can use a facial steamer for this purpose.

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Final word

A persistent cough can be quite annoying, especially at bedtime. You can try one or a combination of home remedies to find relief from a persistent cough. Also, the remedies can be tried in no particular order and usually have no adverse effects. Also, if the home remedies do not provide relief in three days or if the cough aggravates, it is better to see your GP.


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