Why Is Triphala One Of The Most Celebrated Ayurvedic Medicine?

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Triphala - Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki

In this article: Ayurveda Triphala – What is it? | Ingredients and their medicinal properties | Preparation | How to consume? | Shelf life | Uses | Contraindications | Side effects

Triphala, a popular Ayurveda medicine, has been used for several years in India and is famously known to be the one medicine for hundreds of diseases! Moreover, several references in respected Ayurvedic texts, such as Charaka Samhita and Sushrutha Samhita, assure the therapeutic use of Triphala. 

Triphala treats various health problems and promotes general health. The symptoms it can treat range from gastrointestinal issues to vision problems, skin problems, dental cavities, and even to help manage diabetes. And that is not all. It has many other uses, and this article elaborates on this great Ayurveda staple’s uses and benefits.

Triphala and its ingredients

Tripala means three fruits. It is a herbal formulation consisting of three fruits Emblica Officinalis (Amalaki), Terminalia Bellirica (Bibhitaki) and Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki), which are native to the Indian subcontinent.

Ayurveda recognises six tastes- swadu (sweet), amla (sour), lavana (salty), katu (pungent), tikta (bitter), and kashaya (astringent). Every taste is associated with certain medicinal benefits. Interestingly, Triphala contains five tastes except for lavana and is considered a potent Ayurvedic medicine.


Triphala is, in fact, described as a Rasayana in the Ayurveda text. Rasayana lengthens lifespan and invigorates the body. Ayurvedic medicine also classifies it as tridosha rasayana as it balances every one of the three doshas.

According to Ayurveda physician Charaka, taking Triphala daily with honey and ghee can make a person live for one hundred years without ageing and free of illnesses.

Today, Ayurveda uses Tripala to rejuvenate patients of all ages and constitutions.

The ingredients & their uses


Amla, an ingredient of Ayurveda medicine Triphala

Amalaki is an excellent source of vitamin C. The fruit thus helps increase the body’s immunity, strengthens the cardiovascular system, enhances food absorption, and restores stomach and intestinal enzymes. Besides, it is a powerful skin and hair rejuvenator and is also great for eye and liver health.

Also Read: Amla home remedies | How to use it for common health problems?


Bibhitaki an ingredient of Ayurveda medicine Triphala

The best herb to clean the gastrointestinal tract, Bibhitaki improves the metabolism. So for any digestion-related problems, Bibhitaki is the go-to herb.


Haritaki, one of the ingredients of Ayurveda medicine Triphala

Ayurveda describes Haritaki to be the same as a mother to her child. Just as a mother would want the best for her child and nurture the child with the best possible care, Haritaki provides wellness to an individual in various aspects, such as digestion issues, skin problems, gastrointestinal troubles, diabetes, and cancer.

Preparation of Triphala Churna

Triphala powder contains Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki in a ratio of 3:2:1. The ingredients are dried well after removing seeds and then ground into powder.

Take 100g of this powder and make it into a paste with water. Then, take a clean iron vessel or iron pan. Apply the paste to the iron vessel and leave it to dry for 24 hours. Now, scrape out the paste from the iron vessel; this is the Tripala powder you can store in a container and use when needed.

Alternatively, you may opt for readymade Triphala churna from reputed Ayurveda brands.

How to consume?

Collect 5 to 10 grams of churna, mix it with a teaspoon of honey; make it into a paste, and consume with a glass of water.

  • Problems related to stomach and indigestion: Take one teaspoon of triphala powder with fresh water at night
  • To strengthen the immune system and for nourishment: Take one teaspoon of triphala powder with honey in the morning
  • For weight loss: Take Triphala churna (3-5 gms) with one teaspoon of warm water in the morning

Do not consume anything until one hour after consuming Tiripala powder. Also, if the remedy is taken in the morning, you should take about 5 gm of ghee in the evening, and if taken at night, you should consume about 5 gm of ghee in the next breakfast.

Why should you take ghee?

Both Tiriphala and honey have rookshata (dryness) as quality. If rookshata increases, vata dosha can increase. Therefore, to counter it, ghee which is snigdha (unctuous), is advised to consume.

Shelf Life

It is best to consume Triphala powder within four months. This is because the effectiveness decreases when consumed after four months, making it less effective and will not produce results as expected.

Also Read: Herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine – An Overview

Uses and Benefits of Triphala

The Ayurveda medicine, Triphala, is beneficial for constipation, losing weight, reducing belly fat, body detox, indigestion, skin diseases, memory loss, hair loss, eye, teeth, cancer, and many more.

A few benefits are elaborated below:

1. Prevents upper respiratory infections:

It stimulates the immune system and thus helps prevent recurrent upper respiratory infections.

2. Enhances digestion:

The herbal formulation stimulates gastric secretions and hence improves digestion.

Due to its laxative and carminative actions, Triphala helps eliminate constipation, flatulence, gas and abdominal distension. Since Triphala is a natural laxative, it is safe to use and is beneficial for people with mild and moderate constipation.

4. Increases metabolism:

The herbal remedy improves body metabolism and increases fat burning, thus helping in fat loss, especially in the belly area.

5. Helps manage diabetes:

The churna reduces cellular resistance to insulin and helps in the proper use of insulin, thus effectively managing diabetes mellitus.

6. Prevents dental caries:

The medicine is antimicrobial and hence helps fight oral infections. Besides, it can control dental caries, gingival and periodontal diseases. It also prevents tooth decay and bad odour.

How to use it?

Take 10 gm of Triphala powder and boil it in one glass of water until it reduces to one-fourth. Cool it, and then use it as a mouthwash.

7. Prevents cancer:

Experimental studies show that Triphala is helpful in the prevention of cancer. It possesses antineoplastic, radioprotective and chemoprotective properties, which are all useful in preventing cancerous cells. In addition, it also has antimutagenic properties that can reverse DNA changes and help rejuvenate affected tissues and cells.

8. Balances tridosha:

According to Ayurveda, every individual possesses three bodily humours called dosha (vata, pitta, kapha), and for optimal health, there should be a balance in the three doshas. Triphala balances the three doshas and maintains equilibrium, thus enabling your body to function efficiently.

9. Reduces stress:

Every day, our body is exposed to different kinds of stress, and the body must react to stress without significant damage. To be more specific, say, when a deadline for your thesis is fast approaching, your body should work with increased alertness and decreased lethargy. If your body can cope with the stress without physical or mental discomfort, then your body is able to respond to stress well. Otherwise, you will be facing health problems.

The Ayurveda medicine Triphala has adaptogenic properties that can improve stress response and trigger actions according to the body’s needs. Besides, its high antioxidant properties can reverse stress-induced cortisone levels in the blood. Thus, the medicine is of great use in relieving stress, high levels of anxiety, and even depression.

10. Detoxes body:

Triphala is a natural detoxifying formula. The herbal remedy enhances kidney function, thus helping flush out toxins effectively and preventing urinary tract infections. It also cleanses numerous Shrotas (body channels) and Dhatus (tissues) in our body and helps the body absorb more nutrients from our food.

11. Reduces bad cholesterol:

Studies show that it reduces bad cholesterol and arterial plaque.

12. Treats piles, fistula, & fissures:

Using Tiripala powder for external bathing for about 7-10 days will help to shrink the pile mass, heal the fissures and, in the case of the fistula, remove the pus completely and heal the fistula tract.

13. Treats liver injury:

Excessive use of paracetamol causes stress on the liver. Triphala has been traditionally used to treat liver injuries and will greatly improve an overworked liver.

14. Increases fertility:

In men, it may help improve the quality and quantity of sperm. Women suffering from PCOD, endometriosis, and tubal defects can also use Triphala daily. The medicine is also effective in people who have infertility due to unknown causes, increasing fertility chances.

15. Improves eyesight:

The herbal medicine strengthens the eye muscle and improves vision. It has also been used to cure glaucoma and conjunctivitis.

16. Cures many skin problems:

The herbal powder can treat several skin problems, from acne and eczema to fungal infections, psoriasis and rosacea. Furthermore, using the powder promotes collagen production and causes the skin to absorb nutrients effectively. It is also antibacterial; therefore, it cleanses the skin of toxins and bacteria. In addition, the emollient properties help make the skin softer and well-moisturised.

How to use it? Mix Ayurveda Triphala powder with a little water and apply it as a facemask. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.

17. Great for your hair:

Triphala prevents hair loss and thinning, promotes hair growth, and has a toning effect on hair. Further, it works as a conditioner and reduces the frizziness of hair. The herbal formulation can either be taken orally or used as a hair mask. 


  • Triphala is contraindicated in babies, children, the elderly and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Some individuals taking prescription medications may be at risk for harmful drug interactions and side effects.
  • Also, it is not advised for people with severe liver conditions.

Side effects

The most common side effects are diarrhoea, gastrointestinal upset, and disrupted sleep. Further, side effects are most common for first-time users but tend to become better with time.

The final word about Triphala

Like several other Ayurvedic medicines, Triphala is a wonderful remedy for numerous conditions. It provides many benefits, from general health aspects such as better immunity, skincare, and hair care to specific conditions such as diabetes, constipation, and piles. So, there is no reason why you should not try this extraordinary home remedy.

However, before using it, you better visit an Ayurveda expert, get your dosage fixed, and then enjoy the health benefits. You must also note it is not safe to use in children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

Edited by love4wellness.com | Images: canva.com

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