In Ayurveda, asthma is attributed to indigestion, nervous system deterioration, and imbalances caused by mental and physical stress.
Home Remedies
Constipation is common during pregnancy, with around 2 out of 5 pregnant women experiencing this discomfort for various reasons.
Morning sickness, constipation, heartburn, sleeplessness, bloating, backaches, swollen feet, and cravings are just a part of the long list of …
A regular bowel movement is as important as any other bodily process. When your bowel movements are less than three …
The normal blood pressure of an adult is 120/80. When it is less than 90/60, an adult is said to …
Nutrients, including magnesium, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, C, and E, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, help reduce stress levels. …
Children, especially those on formula feed, are more susceptible to earaches. Finding the right remedies can help children find relief …
Manage Menstrual Cramps & Other Period Symptoms: Good Foods, Bad Foods, Helpful Herbs, Therapies, And Exercise
9 minutes readPeriods can be really bad. It can be so worse that you need an off day from school or work. …
5 Important Strategies And Useful Tips To Manage Prediabetes
7 minutes readPrediabetes is a big deal because it is your chance to prevent diabetes. And once your blood sugar levels reach …
Oiling your hair regularly can provide numerous benefits for your hair health. From promoting hair growth to preventing damage, the …