While anyone can suffer from constipation, there are more reasons for pregnant women to have problems with bowel movements. Typically, …
Jansi Venkatesh
Jansi Venkatesh
One of the co-founders of Love4wellness.com, Jansi Venkatesh, is philosophical, knows life is a privilege and understands that "Simple" is elegance. Since her younger years, she went nature's way and disliked artificial enhancements, be it in food, beauty, or living. An optimist, she also loves to learn and evolve from her experiences with the world.
Inflammation can harm several parts of the body and stall various bodily functions. Hence, to maintain a healthy body and …
Why is BMI a poor metric of overall wellness? Is waist-to-hip ratio a better alternative?
4 minutes readExperts argue that BMI was developed based on white males and has little validity for other racial and ethnic groups. …
Simple, healthy habits practised daily can protect you from serious health problems like diabetes and hypertension. They can help you …
Clogged arteries or blockage in arteries can cause serious trouble, including heart attack and stroke. Healthy lifestyle choices help unclog …
Though cognitive decline is common with ageing, older adults can take steps to slow this process and manage memory problems …
Any health condition, when diagnosed early, has the benefit of better management. The same is true with rheumatoid arthritis.
Scientists attribute various sulfur compounds in garlic to their health benefits. Some bioactive compounds in garlic are Allicin, Alliin diallyl sulfide, …
While naps are a norm in toddlers, most wonder if adults need one. Many studies have found that naps are …
Considering the diet for a short period to achieve specific health goals seems fine. But to follow it long-term, you …