Bach flower remedies are natural remedies made from flowers that Edward Bach identified as having particular health properties.
Giovanna Franklin, PDHom, Homeopath & Nutritionist
Giovanna Franklin, PDHom, Homeopath & Nutritionist
Giovanna Franklin, PDHom, is a homeopath and nutritionist, wife, and mother of a child with autism. Her son's condition led her to research possible natural treatments for autism and ADHD; she discovered homeopathy and became obsessed with it. Seeing her son's symptoms improving, she decided to retrain as a professional homeopath. And now, she is a certified homeopath helping families worldwide and spreading wellness.
Modern medicine identifies gall stones and alcohol consumption as the major causes of pancreatitis. Ancient medicines do not think so.
Homeopathy, one of the popular CAM, is quite effective in providing a complete cure to chronic skin diseases, argues homeopath …